07 June 2019
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1. Reliable testing
- When switched on the power, checks lighting of lamps. When switched on the power, error indication lamps up to circuit number specified will be lighted up for 5 seconds, which excutes the self-checking of the machine.
- Repeat testing Repeat test will be done with high speed (1/50 second for 50 circuits). For example, if the machine would be kept with OK state for 1 seconds, it means 50 circuits test piece was tested repeatedly 50 times for within1 seconds.
- Countermeasure to an electrostatic and noise. As a protective countermeasure to the electrostatic and noise has fully been done, you can use these machine at ease even at the environment of harsh usage conditions.
2. Easy operation
- No need to do except power On·Off operation. So, no mis-operation.
- There are fixed in and out terminals for each circuit to which insert the relative connectors of the test circuit. All you have to do is just "connect". Then, OK or NG will be shown with the lamp indication and beep sound instantly
3. Easy to find the error circuit and straight confirmation of OK test piece
- Prepared error indication lamp to each circuit and shows the error circuit (Open, Mix, and Short).
- Also, as you can mark the wire color, circuit number, etc. on the lower area of the error indication lamp of the front board, very easy to find out the error circuit.When the test piece was passed test, OK lamp will light up and a tremolo sound to be heard. Further, OK signal will be output (for an external accessory like tape cutter).
4. Available to test a branch circuit and set up the test circuit quantity.
- Available to test even if there is a branch in the circuit.
- Possible to set up the test circuit quantity as you like. (Example : When you want to test 15 circuits using model WP-30B for 30 circuits machine
5. Up to 100 circuit testing
- By connecting two sets, the circuit test can be done up to 100 circuits. (Coupling is up to 2 sets) Example : WP-50B + WP-50B = 100 circuits WP-30B + WP-50B = 80 circuits